
24 December, 2009

Tanques de Hueco

The Holidays are an exiting time for everyone. and for the visitors of Hueco this time of year the entrance and mountains seem to closely resemble Macy's on Black Friday. lots o people. But have no fear holders of the reservations for there will be no waiting for you, except in the rangers station. Once your on everyone is psyched, pads on all the classics, and you even meet people from your home town that you didn't know. We've been down here for about a month now slowly working and sending North Mountain with some memorable assents for all. I made quick work of all my projects from last year, and Ian has been sending all the... well everything. His hardest being Diaphanous Sea (v12) and Skid Mark (v11 HB). I don't really have any projects but I'm going to send Baby face and See Spot Run one of these days. Ian has his projects with Terre de Sienne checking in at nomero uno. The last couple days have been pretty laxted we haven't really done anything and with tomorrow being Christmas we will probably rest up a little more and then take the mountain by storm before the New Year rolls around.

Appache Helicopter

more later

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Ian on Wild Turkey

Diaphinous Sea

Bleeding Brothers

Hueco sunset