
25 September, 2010

Long Time Away

My goodness, its been so long since I did this I m not sure I'll remember how. since the end of our trip in May... damn.... I went back to work for Tiger Tree for the summer spraying trees all over Wyoming. I helped run a crew this year with Rose, we had a team of four, being Rose Derek Dustin and myself. We were put on a truck dubed the Turd, because, well it wasn't pretty. The 'turd' was a '98 ford F550 (I think) utility truck from Texas. She was a little slower then the other trucks but had lots of room for all our stuff. Through the summer so much stuff happened I dont remember most of it but I know we all had lots of fun, all hated our jobs, enjoyed each others company, and all had our disagreements throughout the year. When i first walked in the TT door this year I knew it was going to fly bye faster then ever, and it did. I lived out of my car for a month or so and stayed with friends periodical until I was able to move into Jeff and Emily's old house with my buddy Andy. The house was a good call this year, it was very nice having a room and shower and a place to relax after work every night. I was able to spend a lot of time with my guitar this summer too, because I was to tired to do anything else most of the time, haha. This was a great summer of working, hanging out and leaning that Wyoming's not All just flat and windy. The north west part is my favorite.

After TT was done and over I moved back to the farm to start work on the corn maze. I'v been doing that for then till now and still doing. It s fun work though, building and designing things with one purpose, to scare people.... that a good job right there. And i get to work with my friends even if i do have to redo a lot of stuff.... but hey, it all fun and good learning too. The maze opens on Friday and every thing should be up and running on time but only time will tell. After that I'll hopefully finally have time to climb, which i have done almost none of since may. Its been so long I'm not sure if all remember how. or maybe the break was good since I spent * month doing nothing but climbing. with South Africa coming up soon I'll need to start training and ... no I'll just climb a bunch training is to much work and I am tired of working. Hmmm, for those who didn't know that I, we are planing a south Africa tour starting in June... Ian and I are planing on going to South Africa in june and staying for three months (donations appreciated). This is the soul purpose of me working all the time if it weren't for SA I would have a nice Martin Guitar , some new Lenses for my camera, new tires ... i should probably get those actually. But I will save for that stuff later.

Ian on the other hand has been climbing and crushing all over the place. He's been in and placed well in comps from coast to coast, he's actually in Boston Mass. right now at a comp. He's been doing good of the plastic as well, with sends in Rifle, Mt Evens and well all the other places he's been too, I don't know precisely where it all is.... cause I .... well you know.

Anyways, here's some pics from throughout the summer-